Take pleasure in the small things in life. So be it just watching pigeons
from the window or licking her fingers while eating chocolate, the expression
on her face is worth watching. We adults are always in the pursuit of some bigger
pleasures that we miss out on the finer joys in life. We miss out on our
Show your appreciation. Many times Anagha randomly comes and hugs me and
kisses me. Ask her why and she will say because you picked me up from school or
because you gave me water to drink. This is something we should definitely
learn from kids because many a times we hold back on even saying a simple thank
you, not because we don’t want to but because we let our egos come in the way.
3) Laugh heartily. Anagha laughs for simple things and her laughter is so from the heart, so genuine that it makes me wonder why we adults are eternally grumpy and grieving about something or the other.
3) Laugh heartily. Anagha laughs for simple things and her laughter is so from the heart, so genuine that it makes me wonder why we adults are eternally grumpy and grieving about something or the other.
4) Do not hold grudges. Many times I lose my patience and yell at Anagha unreasonably. But children forget easily and forgive even more easily. So when I go to Anagha after a while she gives me her same sweet smile and goes on blabbering normally as if nothing has happened. Again something worth learning, life is too short to hold on to bitter thoughts and playing blame games on whose fault it was. Just forgive and let go of the resentment, it will save you precious time.
5) Go slow. We adults are always in a hurry. We finish the chore at hand and rush towards the next task. But kids enjoy each and everything they do. So after giving Anagha a bath she splashes water in the tub and only comes out after the last drop of water has drained from the tub. She does not treat bathing as a chore but fully enjoys it. If we adults treat chores which we anyways have to do with a little more enthusiasm wouldn’t it make the work at hand a little less taxing?
Be content. We have told Anagha that every
time she finishes a meal, God will reward her with a candy in her father’s
pocket. So after finishing a meal she very religiously prays to God with her
eyes closed and hands folded while I quietly slip the candy in my husband’s
pocket. Anagha then comes and check’s her dad’s pocket and when she gets her
sweet, she is elated. She gleefully runs
off to say thank-you to God and then munches on her chocolate. That is it, she
is satisfied, she does not ask for more. Again, a lesson worth learning since we adults are never satisfied,
whenever we get what we want, we always crave for more.